Allowlist minting starts at 20.5.2022 7PM PT

loop() machine

a creation of endlessness

loop() machine is a simple composition consists of blocks of sketchy lines and shapes. It starts with these parts scattered around aimlessly, then slowly moving towards forming a monolith, seemingly bringing order into chaos. Once assembled, the machine loops endlessly...until the operator intervenes. The project imitates the lifecycle of creating, one that even the small act of putting pieces that together can create something unique and lasting.

• 'S' toggles pausing/assembling/looping
• 'A' goes back single step
• 'D' goes forward single step


To see more, view the the collection at OpenSea here.

Exclusively for Mint Pass Holders

Small edition release (128 pieces max) with no public mint. If you hold a Art Foundry Mint Pass, you can claim your loop() machine here for free (+ gas).

Connect wallet first to check your Mint Pass.

What is Art Foundry?

Art Foundry makes experimental generative art on the Ethereum Blockchain. L3xc (Lim), a software engineer, designer, and generative artist, founded Art Foundry to chronicle his journey of creating experimental generative art NFTs.

Is this on-chain generative art?

Some of our releases are on-chain (e.g Happy Accident). Some releases that require color instruction from other sources (e.g Pukenza) are pre-generated and not on-chain.

Future Mints & Mint Pass?

If you hold a Mint Pass (Linea Forma), then you'll be able to mint upcoming Art Foundry releases for free (+ gas).

It works similar to a companion drop. 1 token = 1 mintable piece. The mintable piece will share the same Token ID with your Mint Pass, hence no snapshot required.

How long do I have to claim my piece?

The claim window is open for 2 weeks forever.

If I don't own a mint pass, will there be public sale for upcoming drop?

Yes. Other than the tokens reserved for the mint pass holders (token ID #0 - #127), the rest of the tokens (e.g Happy Accident, token ID #128 - #255) are available for allowlist / public sale at listed price.

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